Construcciones San Juan de Cascante S.L. is a company with 30 years of experience in the professional field of construction. Since 1986 we have made the promotion of more than 200 homes, renovations and minor alterations, and construction of single-family houses, apartment blocks and industrial buildings.  

The concern for doing a well done job, providing the best construction solutions and the highest quality materials are the company's distinctive touch. All this, coupled with the efforts of our professionals to achieve an excellent quality control, a tight budget and a constant monitoring for all phases of the work.

We work for the client to continue receiving sincere and personal treatment. First of all we want your living space to have the design, materials and finishes that he deserves.

c/ San Juan nº22 31520 Cascante (Navarra) -

Tlf: 948 85 08 66 - 689 69 40 39 Fax: 948 85 08 66